Week 25 Trimester 2 N@TM
Week 25 Trimester 2 N@TM
My Gallery:
Reflection on the above piece:
Reflection Here
N@TM as an Experience:
I was at the night at the musuem for two different classes, approaching the experience in two different ways. In this class, I was more looking for other CSP projects, and looking at their functionality and how they fit the collegeboard criteria. However for my other class, Digital Media Productions, I was looking more at the art and beauty of the artwork. In this way, I was able to appreciate other students’ APCSP Projects as more than just websites, but as the hard work all of the other kids put in to make their projects happen. A lot of the projects seemed really inspired, and I’ll go through them one by one below.
A small change I’d make is organizing the classes a little more, and maybe advertizing the tour a little more. Otherwise, it seemed a lot better than last trimester, and I was really ahppy with how many people took interest in my game and started playing it impromptou.
Other Strudents’ Projects:
Dolphin fitness was a really cool project. The concept was that users could creat accounts and enter their information about body and workouts, and then it would calculate the amount of exercise needed or calories. I think it was a really cool concept, and as another feature, it could be cool if there could be a calendar to track workouts, and maybe a graph of workouts for every week.
This was a really cool project made by an APCSA student. It was a more advanced version of my own project from last trimester, the kernel academic organizer. Thie project allowed to create sets of cards for each subject like quizlet, and let you test yourself. However, a key difference was that this project lets you keep track of how many you got right as a good way to study and know where you stand.
Another APCSA project. While I wouldn’t call it a new idea, I find it really cool that creating an online chess website is within the scope of APCS in del norte. The game worked pretty well, and even included special moves, such as castling and em passant. The only improvement I’d suggest is to make it offline, and generate game codes that you can send to others.
This website showed the nearest airport to any city, and I imagine that it’s purpose would be to plan vacations and travels. There’s not too much to say, but id did implement an airport and map API with coordinates.
This project was a dating app made by one of my friends, which allowed a user to create an account and hook up with other accounts. The integration wasn’t fully complete, but it was still in development and is bound to be finished by now.
This project was a hypothetical cat cafe. I found the concept really creative, and their implementation for reviews, wordle, and mroe were on the dot. The only thing I found weird was that not much was related to it actually being a cafe, and it focused mroe on side things like games.