Score: 48/50 = 96%

Proof: image

Question 13:



  • The “AND” operator returns true if and only if both of its arguments evaluate to TRUE. I had gotten that option III was correct, but I claimed that option I was a correct answer, when in reality, it was option II. This is beacause if option I were to be the case, then the student would be not able to vote when they are exactly 18, as the less than or equal to sign is used. Option II is correct since a kid 16 or older can drive, but if you are not 18 or older(which is what the option says), you cannot vote, so II, along with III, which is the reverse of II, is the correct answer. This is because while a person in the desired age range can be exactly 16, they cannot be exactly 18 or they will be allowed to vote.

Question 16:



  • I assumed that, like iteration, sequencing, and selection, searching was also a programming structure. But now that I know, it makes total sense, as searching is made up of useing a combination of the other three, and searching can be either sequantial searhc or binary search, which combine programming structures in different ways to make algorithms. Iteration couldn’t have been the answer, as that would already be implemented before. Sequencing cannot be the answer, as numbers do not need to be in any order to sum, since addition is commutative. That leaves selection, the correct answer, as each even number muct be selected to add to the sum.

Things to do better:

  • Read questions more carefully
  • Don’t take as long on each MCQ
    • the AP exam is 2 hours for 70 questions, which is less than 2 minutes per question
  • Make sure to understand the collegeboard language(<- is equals(-), and indexing begins with 1)