Submission 1

Category My Score Collegeboard Score Comments
Program purpose and function 0 0 While a brief description was given for the function, no clear purpose was defined
Data Abstraction 0 0 Two code segments shown, but both show the list and it’s values, but not its use toward the program purpose
Managing Complexity 0 0 no thorough explanation on how the list manages complexity
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 once again, no explanation that is well and explanatory
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 no included program code
Testing 1 1 good testing, explaining each test

Descrepencies: None

Submission 2

Category My Score Collegeboard Score Comments
Program purpose and function 1 1 A throrough explanation of the program purpose and function with all the required parts is present
Data Abstraction 1 1 clear code segments shown with explanation of contribution toward program purpose
Managing Complexity 1 1 explanation on use of list and how the code owuld change if not for a list
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Good descriptions, clearly explaining the procedure and all of the details
Algorithm Implementation 0 1 Iteration is present, but only 3 items are iterated through, so it seemed trivial
Testing 1 1 good testing, explaining each test

Descrepencies: I gave the Algorithm implementation a 0, as collegeboard gave it a 1. This is because I assumed iteration through a small list would be considered trivial, but apparently now I know 3 is an okay number for useful iteration.

Submission 3

Category My Score Collegeboard Score Comments
Program purpose and function 1 0 The purpose was good, but the function of the program, while elaborated later on in the written response, was not included in that section
Data Abstraction 1 1 Good evidence and explanation of the list(same applies below)
Managing Complexity 1 1 thorough explanation of the use of lists to contribute toward the purpose and how the program would be with the absence of lists
Procedural Abstraction 0 1 The procedure seemed overly simple and lacked the complexity I sayw in others’
Algorithm Implementation 0 1 no separate code, and all 3 algorithmic apporach didn’t seem to be present
Testing 1 1 Well explained tests, testing different types of inputs.

Descrepencies: I gave a 1 while collegeboard gacve a 0 on program purpose and funtion, as I initially thought the purpose statement was good, but forgot to look at the function part, which wasn’t as stellar. For Procedural abstraction and algorithm implementation, I gave a 0 while collegeboard gave a 1. As a coder with a bit of a more algorithmic background, I was probably expecting a little bit more than the scope of the course from the people I graded.

Submission 4

Category My Score Collegeboard Score Comments
Program purpose and function 0 1 The program purpose given seemed more like a program function, and didn’t really show the problem or creative intent
Data Abstraction 0 0 Two code segments shown, but lacked depth and undestanding of the way lists work
Managing Complexity 0 0 same as above, but adding that the explanation wasn’t thorough
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Well done procedure and explanation of that procedure, with clearly defined parameters, use, and sub-procedures.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Procedure incuded searching and iteration algorithmic techniques.
Testing 1 0 Not amazing test cases, but were still passable, but weren’t that varied

Descrepencies: I gave a 0 as collegeboard gave a 1 for program purpose and function. This was becuase I thought that the purpose sounded like a function, but collegeboard didn’t think so. In addition, I thought the testing was bad but passable, but collegeboard said it was a zero.


Notes for my own create performance task

  • Don’t put as much emphasis on the Algorithmic implementation, and focus more on the abstraction
  • Be sure to explain each section well in an easy to read format for the graders
  • The program purpose should be a purpose and not describe the function
  • it should either explain the problem being solved or the createve idea behind making the program. A submission can fail to meet the requirements in 2 ways.
    1. The evidence with the code example is overly simple or not present
    2. a poor explanation exists, not connecting with the code much.