Video Notes:

Daily Video 1:

  • All Programs start with an idea
  • People start investigating the problem
  • Requirements/Constraints
    • Constraints can be time, resources
    • User interests
  • user surver and testing
  • interviews
  • Brainstorm
  • storyboard
  • Plan user experience
  • laying out interface
  • organizing modules
  • Testing strategy
  • Requirements
    • describe how a program should behave
    • list of user interactions
  • prototype, then keepr refining
  • testing, feedback, reflection, repreat

    Daily Video 2:

  • Mostly group projects
  • everyone gets credit and their names should be on the documentation
  • bugs are assigned for different people
  • comments
  • you can use code from other, but you need to credit
  • authors name and program(works cited)

    Daily Video 3:

  • Program documentation describes program, spece, functiions, methods,and more
  • use documentation to keep track of progress
  • it helps with efficiency and memory over time
  • shows respnse to bug
  • Use comments in language or a text document
  • comments make collaboration
  • comments in python follow #
  • comments in java follow //, /*, or /** along with other languages
  • comment blocks in scratch can be minimized

    Proof of quiz completion:
