Psuedocode for project (& plaintext)

Theme: Ninjago

Initialize variable correct to 0 Initialize variable num_question to 3

SHOW Ready to begin page

  • IF user click on ready button, show first question

SHOW Question one Screen Four buttons show question on top: Which Season does Ninjago: Prime Empire follow the pattern of?



Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu


IF they press the correct button (skybound), display a quick correct message and move to question 2 ELSE they chose wrongly, display a quick incorrect message with correct answer (skybound) and move to question 2

SHOW Question two Screen Four buttons What is the name of the forest that Lloyd and Sensei Garmadon escape through

Hiroshi’s Labrynth

Pirmeval’s Eye

Forest of Transquility

Jankikai Jungle

IF they press the correct button (Hiroshi’s Labrynth), display a quick correct message and move to question 3 ELSE they chose wrongly, display a quick incorrect message with correct answer (Hiroshi’s Labrynth) and move to question 3

SHOW Question 3 Screen Four buttons in the game Chen's return, how many golden bricks can you attain?





IF they press the correct button (13), display a quick correct message and move to question 3 ELSE they chose wrongly, display a quick incorrect message with correct answer (13) and move to question 3

After all three questions: move to the final screen Has a button to reset displays the score of the player and the percent of the score LINK