This website is powered by fastpages 1.

Week 0

- Installed Everything we needed

- Anaconda


- VsCode

- Github

- Made a copy of the fastpages repository

- Made our first python notebook

- Created a markdown file

- added everything to out blog

Week 1

- Learned about bash

- created a bash notebook

- learned about verification with bash

- completed the bash hacks to answer some basic bas questions

- Updated out blogs with cool new pages and cometics(LIKE THIS!!!)

- Made new pages

- Inserted images

- Made another python notebook

- Learned basic python syntax

- created a program that would quiz the user and calculate the score

Week 2

  • Learned about Html
    • Changed blog theme
    • created a table with tags to see the different posts
  • Expanded my python knowledge
    • Leaned about dictionaries and lists
    • learned about ways to iterate over lists and dictionaries
      • while and for loops, recursion

        Week 3

  • Created accounts on
    • made simple quiz with partner(Ninjago quiz with Varalu)
    • Created plans for my own app(random movie review app)
  • Created a scrum board as a to-do list of all the things I need to complete
  • Created a sprint backlog table listing all of my study ideas and plans
  1. a blogging platform that natively supports Jupyter notebooks in addition to other formats.