1.2 video 1:

  • Lots of different computing innovations
  • guiding questions(social media):
    • why does innovation exist?(communicating over a long distance)
    • what problems does it solve?(save time and money required to communicate with someone far away)
    • what does it allow us to do that we previously couldn’t?

      1.2 video 2:

  • input is something taken in by a user(text, audio, video, text, touch)
  • output is what the program does or returns to you passed, usually based on the input(same types as above)
  • events are initiated through input
  • code is not necessarily in order
    • segments are triggered when event occurs

      1.2 video 3:

  • program = collection of statements
  • group of statements = code segment(executed according to event)
  • description of code segments state what it does so a person could use it for their own purpose.

    Proof of completion:
