1.1 Part 1 Notes

  • Collaboration is an essential part of any kind of computer science or work in the industry
  • Famous things are made through collaboration, like facebook and the Super Mario games
  • Collaboration allows for multiple ideas from multiple different backgrounds to come together an make something amazing
  • It expands out horizons and helps everyone

    1.1 Part 2 Notes

  • Pair programming is a concept where two programmers collaborate on a project
    • The driver does the code, while the navigator gives suggestions
      • the navigator needs to find a happy balance between forcing the driver to do things and being fully hands-off
  • Think-Pair-Share is a technique used to get an idea and fully develop it
    • Think of an idea
    • combine with a partner’s idea
    • share to the class
  • Comments in code help yourself and other people know what you did and what you will do
  • Collaboration tools
    • repl
    • github
    • shared doc
    • friends and family done
