10 Habits for Good Mental Health and a Good and Happy life

  1. We can always improve our well being
  2. Material things and life circumstances doesn’t matter all that much
  3. Takes effort to become happier
  4. Recognize that your mind lies to you about what makes you happy
  5. Spend more time with others
  6. Helping others more than yourself
  7. Make time for gratitude
  8. Healthy practices for the body(eating healthy, exercising)
  9. Be in the present moment
  10. Prioritize time over money

Things I can do to use these ideas

  1. Before I go to bed, think about what I did that day, what I can do better, and what I did well on
  2. Stop wanting/asking things from other people, because all it will do is make me want more things
  3. Implement all my other points :)
  4. Think about what I want, and analyze weather it is a material thing that will make me temporarily happy or not
  5. Play games and hang out with friends, and teach my little sister stuff
  6. Notice other people’s situations, and try to help them if you can, and if they need to.
  7. Similar to #1, take a couple of minutes at night to think about what I was grateful for that day
  8. Play badminton with my dad and friends more
  9. Think about what I’m doing at all times, including subconscious things like eating or biking
  10. I don’t really make money, but having better time management skills

My goals for this year

  1. Get straight A’s in all of my classes
  2. Gain better work and study habits for school and extracurricular activities
  3. Keep time for myself to be in the moment

Note of Gratitude

I am grateful for my parents, teachers, and friends for supporting me along m high school journey. In this class, I’d like to thank my scrum team, comprising of Varalu, Azeem, and Colin, for answering whatever questions I have, and genuinely being great and funny people who continue to motivate me

Thank You!